Saturday, June 28, 2008

Westward Bound!

this is Baize Buzan excitedly saying hello hello hello! I am a member of the company for NFW's 2008 tour and I am writing today from gray Boxford, Massachusetts bursting with excitement and anticipation as I look towards next week!!

hard to believe that in just FIVE DAYS! from today we will all be together, beginning our Western theatrical adventure. the amount of people that have stopped me when I am explaining my summer plans to exclaim how amazing and beautiful and fantastic Wyoming is has been pretty noteworthy. I have no doubts in my mind that it (and Colorado, and Utah, and Idaho!) will live up to the tales that these people have shared with me. I am extremely thrilled to be spending so much time in a region of the country that I have never before been to - so excited, in fact, that among all the line preparations and research, I have been planning my wardrobe as well -- shocking for those of you that know me! I was shopping with my sister a few days ago and tried to find a Wyoming cowgirl shirt, but alas! no luck. guess I will have to wait until I get there.

the amount of information I've learned doing research for my four parts has been extremely intriguing and enlightening. I'm really looking forward to uniting with this wonderful, talented group of people and dissecting all of the complicated bits and pieces of the text and truly making this play ours.

so -- until next time, at which I anticipate (and pray) that I will be fully memorized, packed (or unpacked?), and prepared....ciao!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Where have all the cowgirls gone?